The Science for Population Protection


I. Competency of the Editorial Board

The editorial board of the journal Science for Population Protection (hereinafter referred to as "Editorial Board") is an executive body of the journal publisher.

II. Structure of the Editorial Board

  • Editorial Board consists of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and members.
  • The Chairman, Vice Chairman and members of the Editorial Board are approved by the Scientific Board of the General Directorate of the Fire and Rescue Services CR.

III. Assignment of the Editorial Board

  • The Chairman of the Board

    • managaes the Editorial Board,

    • proposes changes in the structure of the Editorial Board,

    • convenes the editorial board, presents draft programs and oversees the meetings,

    • submits a report about the meeting of the Editorial Board to the Scientific Board,

    • informs the members of the editorial board about the comments, suggestions and decisions of the Scientific Board related to publication of the journal.

  • In the absence of the Chairman, the editorial board is administered by the Vice Chairman

  • Members of the Board

    • evaluate content of each issue of the journal issued within a period between the meetings of the Editorial Board,

    • submit proposals for contributions from their areas of competence, recommend and enlist authors,

    • publish their own scientific contributions,

    • recommend reviewers for submitted articles, and if necessary, conduct the reviews themselves,

    • submit suggestions and comments on the content and graphic design of the journal

    • submit proposals for amendments to the Statute of the Editorial Board.

IV. Proceedings of the Editorial Board

  • Editorial Board meets as needed, usually twice a year.

  • Additional meeting of the Editorial Board is convoked upon the decision of the Scientific Board of the General Director of the Fire and Rescue Services, the Chairman of the Editorial Board, at the request of the Editorial Board of the journal, or at the request of at least half of its members.

  • The Editorial Board is quorate if the meeting is attended by a majority of its members.

  • Editorial staff is regularly invited to the meetings of the Editorial Board; if appropriate other experts may also be invited to attend.

  • Every meeting of the Editorial Board is officially recorded.
