The Science for Population Protection


The Science for Population Protection is a peer-viewed scientific journal. It is intended to provide scientific knowledge in the field of national security and civil protection with emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach to researched topics and transfer of other disciplines knowledge to support the subject matter.

The content of the magazine consists of scientific papers, expert and informative articles, and other contributions.

Both printed and electronic version of the journal is included in:

  • an internationally recognized database The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)

  • an updated list of reviewed non-impacted periodicals published in the Czech Republic.

To achieve a maximum impact of the articles and support their citations the individual contributions are indexed by the Google Scholar database.
The Science for Population Protection journal has been available in all major libraries in the Czech Republic since 2008 and is archived by the National Library of the Czech Republic.

Focus and Objectives History of the Journal
